arm-linux Toolchain

A cross-compiler toolchain is convenient for compiling executables on a host different than the target. The host is the system you run the compiler on; the target is what the resulting executables will run on.

Information and instructions for building your own arm-linux toolchain can be found a few places:

This pre-built toolchain will allow you to compile programs for arm-linux (e.g. the empeg) under any libc6 i386-linux host. The compressed tar file is about 26MB in size. It contains binutils, a patched egcs 1.1.2, and glibc 2.1.1.

To intall, create a directory /usr/local/arm on your host system. You can put the toolchain somewhere else if you like, but you must link /usr/local/arm to your alternate location or the compiler won't be able to find all of its pieces.

Unpack the toolchain tar file inside /usr/local/arm. The total uncompressed size is approximately 107MB.

You can now use the compiler and other tools by prefixing the directory /usr/local/arm/arm-linux/bin to your PATH, or by using the programs in /usr/local/arm/bin. You might want to create a wrapper script such as this:

#! /bin/sh

exec "$@"

Name this script arm and you can cross-compile programs at your convenience without leaving the cross-compiler permanently in your PATH, like this:

% arm make
Contributed by Rob Leslie